Building a bigger table for a brighter future.
Thank you, Bloomington!
Kerry Thomson wins mayoral election!
An open
letter to Bloomington
Friends and Neighbors in Bloomington,
It’s time to build a bigger table and a brighter future.
Our community faces many challenges, from the lack of affordable housing to substance use and mental health crises to ensuring our city is truly safe. To address them, everyone needs a seat at the table when we make decisions. Our different experiences, perspectives, and opinions are invaluable. They make ideas and proposals stronger. They make us think in new ways. They help us challenge assumptions.
And, ultimately, they will lead us to create a shared vision and plan for Bloomington’s future.
Over the last year, I have talked to thousands of voters, attended hundreds of community events and forums, and hosted dozens of listening sessions.
I learned something important: people care about this community and its direction, but many don’t feel heard.
As Mayor, I will change that by leading an administration that listens first and respects all voices. We will bring city services to neighborhoods across Bloomington, and we will consistently reach out to residents to make it easy for them to participate in their government.
That starts now—with you.
Some may not know that the Mayor appoints volunteers to serve on dozens of boards and commissions that help set policy for everything from parks to public safety. There will be many opportunities to serve in the new year. I encourage you to consider where your voice would be most valuable and apply for a role in helping shape Bloomington’s future. Haven’t served before? Worried that you don’t have enough experience? Don’t be deterred. We want and welcome fresh voices and new perspectives. For more information, please visit https://bloomington.in.gov/onboard/applicants/apply.
On January 1, I will join a team of highly qualified civil servants who are dedicated to our city, our community, and our future. Together, with people like you at the table, we will tackle the challenges that lay before us and build a brighter future for everyone in Bloomington.
“Twice now, I have led the creation or re-imagination of sophisticated high-impact organizations and helped build community across lines which too frequently become barriers. I’m ready to do it again for the City of Bloomington.”
Kerry Thomson, Mayor-Elect, Bloomington
“We need [Kerry's] kind of leadership. She has demonstrated not only that she knows how to organize people and get things done but that she hears what needs to be done and is willing to sit down and listen to people. ”
Charlotte Zietlow, Bloomington community activist and former public servant